Enrolment · Suzanne Cory High School

Enrolling in a
Selective Entry School

What is a Selective Entry School?

Victoria’s four Selective Entry High Schools are the only Victorian public schools exclusively designed for academically talented students. As proud government schools, each Selective Entry High School has a unique profile with the core purpose of nurturing academic excellent in young adults in Years 9 to 12. Unlike SEAL schools, or schools offering “selective” acceleration programs, Suzanne Cory’s cohort is entirely based on selective entry, and does not engage in streaming. Rather, all students at Suzanne Cory High School are considered academically and intellectually gifted, and undertake an accelerated curriculum designed to challenge and stimulate students of high academic ability.

Suzanne Cory is a government public high school and does not charge any tuition fees. To learn more about what fees may be charged by government public schools, please click here.

Who can enrol?

Suzanne Cory High School accepts approx. 200 students at Year 9 level, and approx. 30 students at Years 10 and 11, each year. Suzanne Cory is not zoned; our student body is drawn from suburbs all across Melbourne. Entry to the school is contingent on sitting and successfully passing an entrance exam, which is conducted by the Victorian Department of Education. Students who have not sat an exam will not be considered for admission.

Suzanne Cory does not take international students. Please see below the Eligibility criteria.


To be eligible to apply for and attend a Selective Entry High School, students must be in their second year of secondary schooling or its equivalent (usually Year 8), have not previously sat the examination for Year 9 entry, and be:

  • an Australian citizen, or
  • a New Zealand citizen residing in Australia, or
  • holders of a visa or ImmiCard, which would exempt them from paying International Student Fees to attend a Victorian government school (for further information, refer to International Student Visa Fee Table at: www.study.vic.gov.au/en/Pages/school-accreditation.aspx and the ImmiCard section of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s website at: www.border.gov.au/Trav/Refu/Immi, or
  • able meet the above criteria by the time the offers process commences.

Students attending government and non-government schools, as well as home-schooled students, are eligible to apply.

The above eligibility criteria apply to students living in Victoria, as well as those living and studying interstate or overseas. More information for students living interstate/overseas can be found in section 5.

Fee-paying international students enrolled in Victorian schools are not eligible to apply.

Verification of eligibility

Applicants who are offered a place must provide original documents, such as a Certificate of Evidence of Australian Citizenship, visa and/or birth certificate, to the Selective Entry High School in order to complete enrolment.

Victorian students who are home-schooled will need to email their home-school registration letter provided by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority to the Selective Entry Unit at seu@education.vic.gov.au.

Offers will be withdrawn if all eligibility requirements for enrolment are not met.

An administration fee of $50 will be retained if an application is submitted and the student is ineligible to apply.

Entrance Examination

Entrance examinations occur mid-year for enrolment in the following year. For example, if your child wishes to enrol in 2026, they will need to sit the entrance exam in mid-2025. The school does not handle enrolment directly, and all enquiries for enrolments at Year 9 should be directed to the Selective Entry Unit.

Please visit Acers Victorian Selective Entry High Schools website for further information.

Suzanne Cory also accepts student intake at Year 10 and Year 11. The number of places available varies from year to year (between 10 and 20, on average), and is dependent on existing student numbers. Entry at Year 10 and Year 11 is also contingent on sitting and successfully completing an entrance examination. As with Year 9 intake, entrance exams occur mid-year for enrolment in the following year.

Please visit the Edutest website for further information.

Enrolments for 2026 are now open.

Any questions?

If you have any questions in regards to enrolment at Suzanne Cory High School, please email enrol@suzannecoryhs.vic.edu.au.

You can also download our information booklet now for more information about our school.

2025 Prospective Parent Information Session Watch event

Enrolment Applications

Year 9, 2026

Applications to sit the entrance examination to commence in Year 9, 2026 will open in February 2025 and close in May . The entrance examination will be held in June.

The exam will be administered by ACER. For more information about ACER, please contact them on 03 9007 2087 or via email at sehs@acer.org

Applications for year 9 are now open. 

Year 10 & 11, 2026

Applications to sit the entrance examination to commence in Year 10 & 11, 2026 are now open and close on Friday 30 May 2025 . The entrance examination will be held on Monday 16 June 2025.

Applications for year 10 and 11 are now open.



The Enrolment Process

How to Enrol

Year 9 Enrolment

Suzanne Cory is a secondary school for students in Year 9 to 12. We accept approximately 200 students at Year 9 level each year, comprising of students from across Greater Melbourne. As a selective entrance school, admission is conditional on sitting and successfully completing the entrance exam. Entrance examinations occur mid-year for enrolment in the following year; for example, if your child wishes to enrol in 2026, they will need to sit the entrance exam in mid-2025. They will need to apply to sit the entrance examination which opens in February 2025. The school does not handle enrolment directly, and all enquiries for enrolments at Year 9 should be directed to the Selective Entry Unit.

Applications to sit the entrance examination to commence in Year 9, 2025 are now closed.

Contact Information
Selective Entry Unit Department of Education and Training

Email: seu@education.vic.gov.au
Telephone: (03) 9014 1400


Suzanne Cory High School

Email: suzanne.cory.hs@education.vic.gov.au
Telephone: (03) 8734 2800
Postal Address: 225 Hoppers Lane
Werribee, 3030, VIC

Enrolment Timeline
  • Applications Open:  Monday 17 February 2025
  • Applications Closed:  Friday 2 May 2025
  • Advice sent to parents/carers on exam arrangements: May 2025
  • Year 9 Entrance examination: Saturday 14 June 2025
  • Offers Process: July – October 2025
  • Student Examination reports sent to parents: September 2025

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) administers the centralised selection process on behalf of the Department of Education.

All students who wish to enrol in Year 9 at a selective entry high school must lodge their application online with ACER. 

All prospective students are encouraged to attend a tour  of the school prior to lodging their application to sit the entrance examination.

The Enrolment Process

How to Enrol

Year 10 & 11 Enrolment

Suzanne Cory accepts a limited number of students at Year 10 and Year 11 each year. The number of places offered varies from year to year, and as such, they are highly competitive. (Please note, Suzanne Cory does not accept students at Year 12 level.) As with entry at Year 9 level, admission to Suzanne Cory at Year 10 and Year 11 is conditional on sitting and successfully completing the entrance exam. Entrance examinations occur mid-year for enrolment in the following year; for example, if your child wishes to enrol in 2026, they will need to sit the entrance exam in mid-2025.  For information on how to apply for the test please refer to the Department of Education and training website.


Contact Information
Selective Entry Unit Department of Education and Training

Email: seu@education.vic.gov.au
Telephone: (03) 9014 1400

Suzanne Cory High School

Email: suzanne.cory.hs@education.vic.gov.au
Telephone: (03) 8734 2800
Postal Address: 225 Hoppers Lane
Werribee, 3030, VIC

Enrolment Timeline
  • Applications Open:  Monday 5 February 2025
  • Applications Closed: Friday 30 May 2025
  • Deadline for written response and supporting documentation: Sunday 15 June 2025
  • Entrance Examination:  Monday 16 June 2025
  • Examination Results & Placement Offers: August/September

All students who wish to enrol in years 10 and 11 at Suzanne Cory High School in Year 10 or Year 11 must apply to sit the entrance test with Edutest.

All prospective students and parents are encouraged to attend a tour of the school prior to lodging their application to and sitting the entrance examination.

  • Registering for multiple select entry schools: If you want to apply to more than one school, then you must complete an online registration for EACH of the schools you choose by each individual school’s closing date.

When a child is registered for multiple  schools and is required to complete a test on a day when more than one of the schools they have applied to share the same test date and common examination, Edutest will automatically allocate the sitting school and the child will be expected to sit the examination at that allocated school.